Which Colours Suit You Based on Your Undertone

Understanding your undertone is the key to unlocking a world of colours that enhance your natural beauty. Whether you're shopping for clothes, makeup, or even hair dye, knowing your undertone can make all the difference in how radiant you look and feel. In this beauty blog, we'll delve into the fascinating world of undertones and discover which colours complement you best.

Understanding Undertones: Before we dive into colour recommendations, let's clarify what undertones are. Your skin's undertone is the subtle hue that lies beneath the surface and remains consistent regardless of sun exposure. There are three main undertones: warm, cool, and neutral.

  1. Warm Undertones: If you have warm undertones, your skin likely has a yellow, peachy, or golden hue. Warm undertones tend to complement earthy tones and rich, vibrant colours. Think shades like golden yellows, warm oranges, olive greens, and deep browns. Warm-toned individuals also look stunning in warm metallics like gold and copper.

  2. Cool Undertones: Cool undertones are characterised by pink, red, or blue hues beneath the skin's surface. Colours that have a cool undertone typically complement individuals with fairer skin. Jewel tones such as sapphire blue, emerald green, and amethyst purple are perfect for cool-toned individuals. Additionally, icy pastels like lavender and mint green can beautifully enhance cool undertones.

  3. Neutral Undertones: If you have neutral undertones, you're fortunate to have a balance of both warm and cool tones in your skin. This versatility allows you to pull off a wide range of colours with ease. Neutral undertones can rock both warm and cool shades, making them incredibly versatile when it comes to selecting clothing, makeup, and accessories.

Finding Your Perfect Colours: Now that you have a better understanding of undertones, let's explore how to select the perfect colours based on yours:

  • For Warm Undertones: Embrace earthy tones like mustard yellow, terracotta, and burnt orange for a flattering look. Rich jewel tones such as ruby red, emerald green, and topaz are also excellent choices.

  • For Cool Undertones: Opt for cool shades like icy blues, lavender, and soft pinks to complement your complexion. Deep jewel tones like sapphire, amethyst, and jade can add a touch of sophistication to your look.

  • For Neutral Undertones: Enjoy the best of both worlds by experimenting with a variety of colours. Neutrals like taupe, charcoal, and navy are great for everyday wear, while pops of colour such as coral, teal, and plum can add excitement to your wardrobe.

Discovering your undertone is the first step towards unlocking your true beauty potential. By understanding which colours complement your undertone, you can effortlessly enhance your natural radiance and feel confident in every aspect of your appearance. Whether you're selecting clothing, makeup, or accessories, let your undertone guide you towards colours that make you shine from within.

Holly Garvey