The Best Time to Get Your Spray Tan for Your Wedding: A Comprehensive Guide

As the wedding bells draw near, brides are busy checking off items on their extensive to-do lists. Amidst the hustle and bustle of wedding preparations, one crucial detail that often gets overlooked is the perfect timing for a flawless spray tan. A beautifully bronzed glow can enhance the overall bridal look, providing a radiant and sun-kissed appearance. However, getting the timing right for your spray tan is essential to ensure a seamless and stunning result on your big day.

Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you determine the best time to get your spray tan for your wedding:

  • Trial Runs and Consultations: Consider scheduling a trial spray tan session a few months before your wedding day. This will help you understand how the tan develops on your skin and allow you to make any necessary adjustments or changes before the actual wedding. Additionally, consult with a professional spray tan artist to discuss the desired shade, the type of solution that works best for your skin type, and any specific instructions for the pre- and post-tan care.

  • Days Before the Wedding: It is advisable to get your final spray tan 1-2 days before your wedding. This timing allows the tan to settle into your skin, giving it a natural and flawless appearance on your special day. Waiting until the last minute can be risky, as the tan might not have fully developed or could transfer onto your wedding attire.

  • Exfoliation and Preparation: 1 day prior to your spray tan appointment, ensure you exfoliate your skin thoroughly to remove any dead skin cells and create a smooth base for the tan. Avoid using oil-based exfoliants, as they can create a barrier that hinders the tan's absorption. Shave or wax at least 24 hours before the appointment to prevent any potential skin irritation.

  • Moisturise and Hydrate: Keep your skin well-moisturised in the days leading up to the spray tan session. Hydrated skin helps the tan settle evenly and last longer. Drink plenty of water to keep your skin hydrated from the inside out.

  • Avoid Unnecessary Contact: After getting your spray tan, avoid water, excessive sweating, or activities that might cause the tan to rub off. Opt for loose-fitting, dark-coloured clothing to prevent any staining, and avoid tight-fitting undergarments that might cause friction.

  • Post-Tan Care: Follow the instructions provided by your spray tanner for the post-tan care regimen. Avoid prolonged exposure to water, and pat your skin dry after showering. Apply a gentle, moisturising lotion the day after your appointment to keep your skin hydrated and maintain the longevity of your tan.

  • Makeup Considerations: Coordinate your makeup trial with your spray tan to ensure that the foundation and other makeup products match your tanned skin tone perfectly. This will create a cohesive and natural look, enhancing your overall bridal appearance.

By adhering to these guidelines and planning your spray tan appointment strategically, you can achieve a radiant and flawless bridal glow on your wedding day. A well-timed and expertly executed spray tan can contribute significantly to your confidence, making you feel beautiful and picture-perfect as you walk down the aisle. So, take the time to plan ahead, consult with professionals, and enjoy the process of enhancing your natural beauty for your special day.

Holly Garvey